The Medical Examiner's Certificate Wallet Card is required to be carried by every driver of a commercial motor vehicle as a proof of medical qualification in 49 CFR 391.41. The Newly designed driver card fits any standard size wallet. The Medical Examiner's Certificate Wallet Card is an integral part of the driver qualification file.
A medical professional completes the Medical Examination Report to certify that a person meets the medical standards to operate a commercial motor vehicle. A medical professional is a U. S. licensed doctor of medicine (M.D.), doctor of osteopathy (D.O.), licensed physician assistant (P.A.), advanced practice nurse, or doctor of chiropractic who is clinically competent to perform the medical examination.
The Medical Examination Report must be submitted to DMV with an original application for a commercial driver license or instruction permit. The form must be dated within the last two years, and submitted to DMV.
Drivers applying for, or who hold, a certificate to drive a school bus, School Pupil Activity Bus, Youth Bus, General Public Paratransit Vehicle, or Farm Labor Vehicle must have their examination performed by a Physician Assistant, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Doctor of Medicine, (MD), or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO). The Medical Examination Report and Medical Certificate must be signed by the medical examiner who performed the examination. School bus drivers 65 years of age and older must submit a new medical report to DMV every year. (VC 12517.2(a) (b)
USA Fleet Supply has been manufacturing and distributing Medical Examiners Certifiactes for decades now. We offer an array of Medical Examiners Certificates.
Our original (USMEC) Medical Examiners Certificate Wallet Card is our top selling product. These wallet cards feature a unique FMCSA approved design which allows the card to be resized and able to fit into a standard size wallet. The old version of these wallet cards wer extremely flimsy and would tear when placed into a drivers wallet. We made the card much tougher by printing on very thick cardboard stock material and then covering the text with a glossy UV protective coating. The inside of the card features a tough matte finish which can be easily written on with pen (marker, or pencil), then folded over to protect the written portion and placed into the drivers standard size wallet. Tis card measures 3" x 2.5" once folded - the same size as a business card. This design has been trademarked by USADriveSafe, Inc (our sister company). We are the only manufacturers that can create this exact design, by law.
Our (USMECSL) Self Laminating Medical Examiners Certificate Wallet Card is also a top selling product. This is our own FMCSA approved design which also features a clear adhesive film that adheres to the text on the inside of the wallet card, once the Medical Examiner had completed filling out the card information. This design allows the card to be carried in the drivers wallet without any chance of the text "rubbing off", etc. This design also keeps any dirt, grease or grime off of the card. The wallet card stays safe and clean.
Our (USMEC2) 2 Part Carbonless Medical Examiners Certificate is also a DOT/FMCSA approved design. This design is the same as the USMEC and the USMECSL. However this design features a thicker manilla base copy and a white paper top copy. The top copy can be given to the employer while the thicker base copy can be folded (for protection) and placed into the drivers wallet.
We also distribute many other versions of the Medical Eaminers Certificate for quality vendors.
All of our Medical Examiners Certificates are DOT/FMCSA approved. You can browse our complete line of Medical Examination Forms and Certificates here.
Our Medical Forms and Certificates are always up-to-date with the latest FMCSA revisions and regulations. Our company is in constant communication with the FMCSA in accordance with the law in order to offer the latest updates and revisions to our products. We have been a DOT/FMCSA/OMB partner for many decades.
The information provided by the Ofice of Management and Budget is carefully configured and placed on our Medical Certificates. This information includes, but is not limited to the following:
Public Burden Statement, OMB No., Expiration Date, Revision Date, Form ID (MCSA-5876), Medical Examiners First and Last Name, FMCSA Driver Regulation In-Accordance Information, Signature of Medical Examiner, M.E.'s Telephone Number, Date M.E. Signed, Drivers First and Last Name, M.E.'s Position, Medical Examiners State License Info, Certificate Info, Registration Number, The National Registry Number, Issuing State, Drivers Signature, Drivers License No., Drivers Address, Certificate Expiration Date, CDL Info and more.
As of May 21st, 2014, drivers are required to obtain their DOT Medical Examiners Certificate Wallet card from a certified medical examiner listed in the National Registry. The National Registry helps drivers find qualified medical examiners to perform medical examinations per DOT FMCSA requirements. Medical Examiners in the National Registry are required to take a training course pertaining the the regulations and requirements of the US DOT. This registry includes certified medical examiners, physicians, nurse practioners, physical assistants and chiropractors. For more information, visit the link below.
National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners
Please feel free to ask any questions about any of our Medical Examiners Certificates or Medical Examination Forms.
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