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Hot 3256 Marking - Removable Vinyl

Hot 3256 Marking - Removable Vinyl

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The HOT 3256 Marking for Elevated Temperature Materials must be used with the worded flammable liquid placard, low price guarantee.

  Product ID VRHOT3256
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Bulk packaging that contains an elevated temperature material (except molten sulfur or molten aluminum) must have a HOT marking. HOT Markings for Elevated Temperature Materials are printed with HOT and 3256 to satisfy the 4-digit number and HOT marking requirements of 49 CFR, Part 172.325(c) and 172.336(b).

The HOT 3256 Marking for Elevated Temperature Materials must be used with the worded flammable liquid placard. The HOT 3256 Marking is printed on Removable Vinyl. This highly durable material is ideal for limited time use and can be removed with little or no residue. Removable Vinyl, HOT 3256 Marking for Elevated Temperature Materials measures 273mm x 273mm.

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